It is located in Tende, in the French territory – in the immediate vicinity of the Italian border. The Museum of Wonders (Musée des Merveilles) is an important testimony both as regards the population and the customs of local populations between the XVIII and XX centuries. Starting from the Neolithic (about 6000 BC), of the so-called Valley of Wonders, the population began gravitating around Mount Bego, an offshore site that houses about 50000 engravings dating back to the Neolithic and protohistoric phases (for more info, see in-depth sheet).
The archaeological collection includes finds dating back to the Neolithic ( from about 6000 BC) and the protohistoric phase (2nd – mid 1st millennium BC), such as flint and metal tools, ceramics, metal and stone ornaments. Then there is a series of engraved local rocks (see image), with depictions of humans, animals (cattle) and weapons, as well as numerous research documents testifying to the work carried out in the Monte Bego region.
The ethnographic section houses written testimonies (prints, scrolls, ancient works) and objects, grouped by themes (home, commerce, pastoralism) of the daily life of the inhabitants of Val Roia, which testify to the culture of the local populations between the 18th and the 20th centuries. Finally, the Museum aims to become the reference center for archaeological studies in the area, with a team of experts who manage the conservation and restoration of the finds.
Located in the center of Tende (Avenue du 16 September 1947, Tende- Fr; coordinates Lat. 44° 5’25.01″N, Long. 7°35’33.62″E), the Museum is open to the public every day, except Tuesdays, from 10 am to 5 pm (from September 16th to June 15th) and from 10 am to 6 pm (from June 16th to September 15th); it is closed on January 1st and May 1st, from November 13th to the 25th and December 25th.
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