Data / Ora
Data - 29/12/2018
10:15 - 19:00
Luogo di ritrovo
in front of the tourist office
Categoria No Categorie
With the patronage of the Italian Minister of Culture Minister
Here you can find only specific information about this date. In order to have more information, plese click here
The visit are led in Italian but foreign visitors receive written traslations in English.
The tour begins in front of the tourist office in Piazza Risorgimento, n. 2, Alba at the scheduled time: Participants are asked to gather at the meeting point for registration 15 minutes.
To get the available times look at the form at the bottom of the page.
- full price: €10 adult;
- reduced price: helpers of disabled;
- free admission for under 10 years old and disabled people.GROUPS (with reservation), at any desired date: contact us at least one week before via info@ambientecultura.
(these include the tickets for the Museum Eusebio and of each archaeological site)
GROUPS (with reservation) at any desired date (20 – 35 visitors, excluding complimentary ticket):
full price and reduced price tickets: € 10
The visit is led by an archaeologist in English or French
The itinerary will vary according to the day selected. The journey foresees to reach 3 of the 32 the archaeological and monumental sites of the city and it ends in the museum “Federico Eusebio” that houses the fossils of the Mastodont of Verduno and the Whale of Alba. At the end free visit to the 23 rooms of the “Eusebio” museum. For eventual updating of the itinerary, please click here
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