Welcome to the Game of the City!

Now you can discover the history, the art and the traditions of Alba, the capital of Langhe hills through fun and entertainment! The game is mainly addressed to the families but it can be interesting also for groups of friends  who want to discover the city in a different way!

The Game of Town is composed by two different phases:

  1. The Church of the games
  2. The Clues Hunt around the city streets

Discover! Investigate! Solve!

Each family-crew can choose the phase from which it can start (there are two phases) and the days for playing (both phases in the same day… Or different days. You can choose!)

The daily best ones will receive the Box of the Territory, a special prize, with the treasures of the Alba-Langhe land. 

In the middle of the historical centre of Alba, not far from the tourist office, you can admire a very beautiful  baroque church: the church of Saint Joseph. Under the church, you can see an archaeological path with the remains of the theatre of Alba Pompeia, the ancient Roman town, and those about the medieval tower houses.
Here, the families-crews can discover the church thanks to a played visit. In the archaeological path they will take-up the challenge of the Roman and Medieval games. Later, in the church, they will play the game of the vine and of the wine. Don’t remember! The Wine Landscapes of Langhe-Roero and Monferrato are an Unesco Site.


Keep your eyes open and wake-up your mind! The clues hunt around the town streets is ready to start! The families-crew will follow the instructions contained in the dedicated kit into which you can find also the main cultural and tourist contents about the steps (read all! You probably could find precious clues…)

The Augmented Reality section of the App TABUI will led the most technological families in the challenge to find their way and to reach the 14 steps that compose the entire path.

In 7 steps it will be enough to document the passage with a panoramic photo about the reached site (7 passage steps), in the other 7 steps they are waited by a task to complete: a mysterious riddle will indicate them a single detail of the step to identify correctly and to photograph (7 riddle steps)

The step 14 is represented by the Church of St.Joseph. Here, after solving the last riddle, the family-crew gives back his kit and can validate its path.

Download TABUI app

7 tappe di passaggio (blu) e 7 tappe ad indovinello (rosso)

You can play every day from 1st July to 20th August.

Below the practical instructions to start to play the Church of the Games and the Clues Hunt.

Church of the Games time

Every day, morning visit at 10:30 and afternoon visit t 15:00.

Duration: 75-90 minutes

The anticipated booking is not mandatory, you just have to reach the Church of Saint joseph 15 minutes before starting.

It’s preferable to book the tour using the form at the bottom of this page.

In the day with Underground Alba scheduled tours, the form of the Church of the Games will be substituted by Underground Alba guided visits (for information about days, hours and contents visit in english click here).

The form of the Church of the Games will be available in another day.

Clues Hunt around the city street hours

La facciata della chiesa di san Giuseppe

The Clues Hunt can be done autonomously  and can be carried out in a different day from the Church of the Games (the previous or the following day)
In order to play the Clues Hunt, you need the dedicated kit: it’s delivered to the participants at the end of the visit of the Church of the Games or, alternatively, can be taken in the S. Joseph church during the opening hours (Monday-Sunday, from 4 th July to 23rd August, from 10:30 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 18:30) for those who prefer to start with the Clues Hunt. There is a 10,00 euro caution for each kit.

The kit has to be given back in the church of St. Joseph during its opening time because it’s necessary to validate the result and to control the solutions of the riddles


The church is located in John Paul II square, cross-road Vernazza street. It’s 100 meter from the Tourist Office, located in Risorgimento Square (“piazza Duomo”) n. 2.


The Box of the Territory is a casket-souvenir into which you can find all what you learnt and all what still discover in this land!

Furthermore, a free ticket is available for all the components of the crew in order to reach the top of bell-tower of the Sian Joseph church, panoramic point of the city, in order to admire the town and the landscape discovered before from a fantastic point of view.


In each date, in order to receive the prize, the family-crew  will have to:

  1. Finish the game, performing the both phases (the Church of the Games and the Clues Hunt)
  2. Complete the Clue Hunt entirely and correctly, finding the seven details of riddle steps and documenting with photos the passage in the other seven passage steps.

In case the game ends in a draw, the fastest (the time of the Clues Hunt) family is the winner.  


The booking is not required, no minimum number of participants… You only need the will to entertain and to discover the secrets of the town! Those who prefer to communicate us their presence can book on our website: www.ambientecultura.it, section IL GIOCO DELLA CITTA’

A small participation fee is required:

  • Adults: 5,oo euro
  • 10-17 years old: 3,00 euro
  • Under 10: free

The entrance in the church of Saint Joseph is included.

Download here the A3 poster

Download here the flyer

Prenotazione per il Gioco della Città

Compila e invia questo modulo e la tua prenotazione sarà registrata. ATTENZIONE: - Se dopo l'invio del modulo sei reindirizzato a una pagina di ringraziamento, la prenotazione è andata a buon fine. Riceverai una mail di riepilogo all'indirizzo da te indicato (SI PREGA di controllare il filtro antispam, in caso di mancata ricezione). - Se il modulo inviato è mancante di un dato obbligatorio o compilato erroneamente, dopo l'invio si rimane invece sulla medesima videata e il modulo evidenzia in rosso la sezione da correggere.

  • Segnalaci se vuoi effettuare entrambi i moduli del Gioco della Città oppure solo uno. /// La Chiesa dei Giochi si svolge ad orari fissi: da marzo a settembre ogni prima e terza domenica del mese ore 15.00 /// Il kit per la Caccia all'indizio può essere ritirato negli orari dello Sportello del Gioco presso la chiesa di San Giuseppe ad Alba: venerdì dalle 14.30 alle 17.30; sabato e domenica dalle 10.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.30 alle 18.30; lunedì dalle 10.00 alle 13.00. Solo nel mese di agosto anche dal martedì al giovedì dalle 14.30 alle 17.30.
  • Scrivi quanti adulti (INTERI), quanti ragazzi tra 12 e 17 anni (RIDOTTI) e quanti bimbi under 12 (OMAGGIO) sono presenti.
  • Compilare questo campo solo se si vuole prenotare solo la Chiesa dei Giochi oppure la formula completa del Gioco della Città, cioè la Chiesa dei Giochi + la Caccia all'Indizio. I due moduli si possono svolgere lo stesso giorno o in giorni differenti (prima la Caccia all'indizio e poi la Chiesa dei Giochi)
  • Il kit per la Caccia all'indizio può essere ritirato negli orari di apertura dello Sportello del Gioco presso la chiesa di San Giuseppe. Può essere ritirato/restituito anche in giorni diversi
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