This is the web page related to the different ordinary Underground Alba guided tours.
Here you have the Underground Alba general home page
The guided tour lasts 1.5 hours about; the itinerary varies according to the day selected. The journey foresees to reach 3 of the 32 the archaeological and monumental sites of the city and it ends with the guided tour to one room of the Eusebio museum.
Each visit always finishes in the Eusebio Museum and the Underground Alba visitors can visit it freely at the end of the tour. The museum is composed by 21 rooms, divided into three parts: the prehistorical archaeology section, the Roman archaeology section and the Nature section.
Below: the general map of the city archaeological trail & the different routes of each date
The itineraries of “Underground Alba. Journey to the Center of the City” will be different date by date, both because of the large number of stops that can be visited and because of the needs of the managing bodies of the individual stages.
The itineraries are subject to change due to organizational reasons and the availability of individual stages; in case of rain, the activated rounds will still take place. Reservations are required. Update May 30.
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In the map above: the lines in red indicate the plan of Alba Pompeia and the stages with remains from the Roman period, in blue the layout of the walls in the Middle Ages and the stages from the medieval period.
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