Black board 2, theatre room
Inscription on marble slab
II century AC
Ex-voto for the Publilio or Publicio’s return offered by one or two persons from the servile class.
The formula pro salute et reditu is very common in the dedications to the Emperors and to the
members of the imperial family.
Inscription on marble slab
Alba (into the defensive walls, 1779)
19-37 AC
Dedication in honour of Tiberius Caesar, Livia and Drusus’ son, Tiberius’ nephew, Augustus’
grand-nephew, from the senator Publius Varius, one of the most zealous and dangerous informer
during the Tiberius’ empire. The belonging to the Aemilia tribus suggests his provenience from
central Italy.
Inscription on a limestone slab
Alba (1985)
221-217 AC
Dedication in honour of the Emperor Caracalla offered by the town Alba Pompeia. He is the
Septimius Severus’ son, Marcus Aurelius’ nephew, Antoninus Pius’ grand-nephew, Hadrianus,
Traianus and Nerva’s descendant. In addition to his dynasty, also the enemies he defeated are
It probably constitutes a dedication offered to the Emperor pro salute et reditu, at times of the
military campaign against the Parthians dated back to 214 AC.
Inscription on marble slab
End I, beginning II century AC
The elegant handwriting suggests the provenience of this fragment from a monumental inscription
Alba, Ospedale road (Coppa house)
End I-middle part II century AC
Inscription positioned probably on a public monument offered by a private citizens or by the
population of Alba Pompeia to an unknown patrician who had given generously money and
provisions of food on the day of the inauguration of the monument.
Inscription on a marble slab
The few letters preserved are not enough to suggest an interpretation.
Inscription on a marble slab
Alba, Provvidenza Road (nursery school, 1903)
End I, beginning II century AC
Two letters preserved refer to a public monumental inscription because of their large dimensions
and their delicate carving
Black board 2, theatre room
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