During the V millennium B.C, we register the progressive diffusion of the Neolithic, with the culture of the Square Mouth Vase. In the entire Piedmont. The contacts with the Chassey and Cortaillod cultures are very intense and these relations led to some technological innovations (spoons, worls, loom weights), new ways of exploitations of the materials and of the agricultural resources (transhumance; cultivation of the flax and weaving of the linen). The intensity of the agricultural activity – with the production of barley, spelt and wheat – is confirmed by the common finding of millstones (showcase n. 4, 5); the villages composed by rectangular dwellings rise up along the shelfs on the banks of the river.
The findings of feminine small statues let us to suggest the hypothesis of the presence of fertility cults and ceremonies.
It’s interesting the finding of a copper stitching awl in the archaeological site of Europa Road: it represents one of the most ancient metallic objects in the Neolithic sites from Northern Italy. (showcase n. 5.3)
- Copper stitching awl
In the showcase n. 4, some ceramic fragments and stone tools (n- 1-2-3-4-5). Among them, there is a fragment of a baby bottle. The artifact indicated with the number 1.1 is underlined because it constitutes a resin cast of a part of a feminine statue: more precisely, the head. To have more informations about this specific artifact, read the showcase n. 10