The necropolis
The Law of the Twelve Tables forbid burying the bodies into the city.
Therefore, the funerary area of Alba Pompeia was out the defensive walls. The necropolis in fact
ran along the street that reached the hill of Roddi from the southern city entrance.
Several tombs and epigraphic monuments have been found closed to the city walls. A necropolis
near Rossigni Road owned 120 individual tombs dated to the I century AC.
The expansion of the necropolis along the edges of the street is proved by the archaeological finds
in the Piave route up to San Cassiano quartier, where the archaeologists have put in light funerary
enclosures, chamber tombs and cremation tombs.

1. Grave good form the chamber grave from Alba, San Cassian quartier (Archaeological
Museum of Turin)
2. Aerial photo of Alba, with the indication of the necropolis that followed the contemporary
Piave Road path