Here are reported the most important tree types of the area. For each of these, popular name, scientific name and, if known, “dialectal name” is reported.
- WALNUT, Juglans regia; “nos”
- BIRCH, Betulla pendula; “bioia”
- ENGLISH OAK, Quercus robur
- DOWNY OAK, Quercus pubescens; “rorot”
- OAK, Quercus petrea; “Ro”
- WHITE WILLOW, Salix alba
- WHITE MULBERRY, Morus alba
- MAPLE, Acer campestre
- OPALA MARPLE, Acer opalus
- FALSE ACACIA, Robinia pseudoacacia
- TREE OF HEAVEN, Ailantus glandulosa
- HACKBERRY, Celtis australis
- ASH, Fraxinus excelsior; “frasso”
- MANNA ASH, Fraxinus ornus; “frasso”
- BLACK ALDER, Alnus glutinosa; “verna”
- CHESTNUT, Castanea sativa
- SWEET CHERRY TREE, Prunus avium
- TREMBLING ASPEN, Populus tremula
- WHITE POPLAR, Populus alba
- BEECH, Fagus sylvatica; “fò”
- ELM, Ulmus minor; “orm”
- SCOTS PINE, Pinus sylvestris; “pin”
- LINDEN, Tilia cordata; “tilio”