The church of San Fiorenzo in Bastia Mondovì, is located just outside the town of Bastia, surrounded by greenery, and features a white gabled facade, a front porch, and a soaring bell tower.
First built in the 10th century, in the 11th-12th centuries the bookstall was decorated with Romanesque paintings, later covered with other murals that are still clearly visible today. It is precisely the paintings, illustrating in brilliant colors all the main themes of late Gothic fifteenth-century art in the Western Alps, perfectly preserved, that make the church, known as the “Sistine Chapel of the Langhe,” famous.
The interior is separated architecturally into two areas, that reserved for the faithful and the deacons’ presbytery, and is covered by 326 sq. m. of 15th-century frescoes, the most extensive pictorial cycle in Piedmont.